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TEAM ENERGI triathlon team kitchener waterloo



Team Energi is the region’s biggest and best Triathlon squad.  Run by coach, Jeff Beech a former professional Triathlete with over 20 years experience and over 20 ironmans completed. Jeff's training philosophy and system has been built from his experiences working with some of the world’s top coaches and training with multiple world and Olympic champions.  The system focuses on quality key workouts and is designed to maximise results while making the training load manageable in order to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.


Having represented Canada as both a professional and age group athlete in both short and long course duathlon and olympic, half Ironman and Ironman triathlon, Coach Jeffie's experience is unmatched in the region. The fantastic results team members have achieved over the past ten plus years is a testiment to the effectiveness of the team energi training philosophy.
The teams  incredibly effective  workout plans blend sports science with the art of finding an athletes potential and passion.  The athletes journey is a personal one and our program seeks to help you understand yourself and your potential better than you ever thought possible through support , encouragement and athletic evolution.
The Team Energi program is designed to make training and excelling in your sport a fun and manageable  addition to your life and not an overwhelming and all consuming burden.  Fun, social and incredibly effective, our training plans and philosophy encourage the involvement of family and friends in your process. We stress quality over quantity to make your training as time efficient as possible.


The system consists of the following:


  • Weekly Training Peaks updates, outlining training for the week and key quality swim, bike, and run workouts


  • Long-term progression programs for key races


  • Weekly group quality workouts (April –October) for bike and run.  (Tuesday and Thursday evenings 5:45-7 pm)    


  • Optional  coached swim workouts (additional cost to pay for pool time)      



  • Multiple one-on-one sit downs to discuss personal goals, race progressions, and athlete challenges


  • Saturday morning 2 hr spin (January-April) outdoor long ride (April -October)

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